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Saturday 30 July 2011


singgah jap kt sni tgk tanamn2 buah yg xd kt malaysia kebyakkannyer... ni buah blueberry......

 mkn time...lapaq dh nih.....mne makann ni..huhuh
 haaaaa...smpe dh...2 diaaaa..roti n salad..ermmm mmg sihat dok sni..

 haaaa..blakang 2 kubur~~
 mmg teruja tgk bunga2 ros kt sni..elok jer segar...=D
spice bazar
The Spice Bazaar is a must-experience for foodies visiting Istanbul. Also known as the Egyptian Market, or Misir Çarsisi, in Turkish, this market dates back to 1664 and is the second-oldest covered shopping area in Istanbul. (The oldest is the Grand Bazaar.) The Spice Bazaar is not only a great place to buy spices, but it's also where you can pick up dried fruits and nuts, tea, candy and caviar.

 menikmati permandangan bangunan2 di istanbul....

 The Blue Mosque was commissioned by Sultan Ahmet I when he was only 19 years old. It was built near the Hagia Sophia, over the site of the ancient hippodrome and Byzantine imperial palace (whose mosaics can be seen in the nearby Mosaic Museum). Construction work began in 1609 and took seven years.
 tibe la mse kami melawat HAGIA SOPHIA...sblm msk amek gmbar dlu...ngeee
hagia sophia

Hagia Sophia is a great architectural beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman Empires. Once a church, later a mosque, and now a museum at the Turkish Republic, Hagia Sophia has always been the precious of its time.

ermm dis time telur + salad.....=D

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